The most significant pain point with amendments is that they take so much time to write. As we’ve previously discussed in our blog post introducing the Amendments feature, it’s not enough to simply go in and change the date or update pricing in your contract. Every amendment needs to be spelled out.So, changing the date needs to be written in something along the lines of “Both parties agree to amend the term of the contract to add 18 months, thereby changing the end date of the existing contract from 12/31/2021 to 06/30/2022.”
Other pain points might include the need to prepare bulk amendments across a collection of original agreements. For example, one recent trend is the need to prepare "data protection agreements" or privacy related terms across an existing pool of contracts.
When you have multiple amendments to add to an existing contract or have previously amended turns, you’re looking at a significant amount of time spent on getting the wording just right. When using technical terms, you need to be particularly careful about using the correct language and making sure there is valuable consideration to create an enforceable agreement.
Finally, adding amendments generally requires you to work from multiple screens. You can’t just go into your contract as a Word or PDF file and make changes directly. Instead, you need to have one screen with the contract open, then another screen where you write out the amendment translations.
This is time-consuming and cumbersome. It can also lead to mistakes if you accidentally refer to the wrong part of the contract or are looking at an outdated version of the document.